

Gallery: Back Yards

Hidden Swing Set
Lily of the Nile
Lance Coreopsis
Sweet Olive, Tea Olive
Krauter Vasuvius Flowering Plum
Lily of the Nile

Common name:Lily of the Nile
Botanical name:Agapanthus africanus

This evergreen groundcover/shrub will grow about 3' tall and has large green leaves with blue flowers ( there is a white variety) that bloom in spring and summer. It will grow in all soils but prefers loam soil.

Lance Coreopsis

Common name:Lance Coreopsis
Botanical name:Coreopsis lanceolata

A long lived perennial growing about 2' x 1'. Leaves narrow growing in a rosette at base. Flowers are 2" across, yellow and occur in late spring and summer and are held above the foliage. Good cut. Full sun to light shade. Wil do well in any garden soil.

Sweet Olive, Tea Olive

Common name:Sweet Olive, Tea Olive
Botanical name:Osmanthus fragrans

The sweet olive is a moderate-growing evergreen shrub to 10' high. It is broad, dense and compact, with oval leaves that are 4" in length and a glossy, medium green color. Small flowers with a strong apricot-like fragance are produced in the spring and summer.

Krauter Vasuvius Flowering Plum

Common name:Krauter Vasuvius Flowering Plum
Botanical name:Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'

The 'Krauter Vesuvius' is a smaller growing, flowering plum that grows to 18' high by 12' wide. Its leaves are purple-black throughout the growing season, and the flowers have a light pink color.

Designer: LandPlan

Hidden Swing Set
Image: 19 of 20

Photographer: Dan Berger

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.