

Gallery: Entries

Decomposed Granite Path
Amazing Red Flax
Deer Grass
Blue Fescue, Blue Fescuegrass
Kangeroo Paws Big Red
Bush Gold Kangaroo Paw
Bush Morning Glory
Walker's Low Catmint
Amazing Red Flax

Common name:Amazing Red Flax
Botanical name:Phormium 'Amazing Red'

Phormium 'Amazing Red' is an evergreen perennial. Big, dramatic plant composed of many swordlike, stiffly vertical leaves in a fan pattern. Flowers stems reach high above leaves, bearing clusters of 1-2 in. blossoms in red.

Deer Grass

Common name:Deer Grass
Botanical name:Muhlenbergia rigens

The Deer Grass is a warm season perennial that forms dense clumps from the base. The spike-like flower stalks grow 2'-3' tall and this grass has striking foundation form. The Deer Grass is native to California and needs watering once or twice a month after it has been established. The more water it has, the greener it is.

Blue Fescue, Blue Fescuegrass

Common name:Blue Fescue, Blue Fescuegrass
Botanical name:Festuca glauca

This groundcover/grass will grow less than 1' tall and has small, blue green leaves.

Kangeroo Paws Big Red

Common name:Kangeroo Paws Big Red
Botanical name:Anigozanthos 'Big Red'

Anigozanthos flavidus 'Tall Red' is a perennial with dark green, smooth, swordlike evergreen leaves. It produces spikes of striking, fuzzy, tubular flowers in yellow-green, tinged with red that are curved at the tips. The flowers attract hummingbirds. Flowers bloom from late spring to fall if spent flowering spikes are cut to the ground. It makes for a good cut flower.

Bush Gold Kangaroo Paw

Common name:Bush Gold Kangaroo Paw
Botanical name:Anigozanthos flavidus 'Bush Gold'

This evergreen perennial forms clumps with foliage reaching 2' high. From spring through summer emerge the bright yellow tubular flower buds that flare open at tips like a paw, about 3' tall. This plant prefers full sun in well draining soil. Fertilize only in spring.

Bush Morning Glory

Common name:Bush Morning Glory
Botanical name:Convolvulus cneorum

This evergeen shrub grows 2'-4' high with silver foliage and white flowers from spring through fall. It prefers light soil, good drainage and full sun.

Walker's Low Catmint

Common name:Walker's Low Catmint
Botanical name:Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low'

This vigorous growing perennial reaches 1'-1.5' tall and spreads 2'. It will reseed and spread if spent flowers are NOT removed. Foliage is fragrant when brushed (ask any cat), with scalloped edges and covered with fine hairs. Beautiful violet blue, 2 lipped flowers bloom in summer and fall. This plant tolerates full to part sun with well draining, dry soil. It does not tolerate humidity. It is an annual in desert areas. Low to moderate water once it's established.


Decomposed Granite Path
Image: 19 of 20

Photographer: Vicki Anderson

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.