
Plants by Common Name

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Teucrium fruticans

Bush Germander

Anigozanthos flavidus 'Bush Gold'

Bush Gold Kangaroo Paw

Convolvulus cneorum

Bush Morning Glory

Euphorbia characias

Bush or Dome Euphorbia

Anigozanthos flavidus 'Bush Pearl'

Bush Pearl Kangaroo Paws

Dendromecon rigida Native Plant

Bush Poppy

Anigozanthos flavidus 'Bush Tango'

Bush Tango Kangaroo Paws

Iris sibirica 'Butter and Sugar'

Butter and Sugar Iris

Buddleja davidii

Butterfly Bush

Dietes vegeta

Butterfly Iris

Dietes iridioides

Butterfly-Iris, Fortnight Lily

Calendula officinalis

Calendula, Pot Marigold

Umbellularia californica Native Plant

California Bay, Oregon Myrtle

Quercus kelloggii Native Plant

California Black Oak

Aesculus californica Native Plant

California Buckeye

Aesculus californica 'Canyon Pink' Native Plant

California Buckeye

Eriogonum fasciculatum Native Plant

California Buckwheat

Rhamnus californica Native Plant

California Coffeeberry

Festuca californica Native Plant

California Fescue

Carex praegracilis Native Plant

California Field Sedge

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