
Plants by Common Name

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Lagerstroemia indica 'Delta Fusion'

Delta Fusion Crapemyrtle

Cedrus deodara

Deodar Cedar, Calif. Christmas Tree

Phoenix dactylifera

Desert Date Palm

Olneya tesota

Desert Ironwood

Baileya multiradiata

Desert Marigold

Parkinsonia 'Desert  Museum'

Desert Museum Palo Verde

Dasylirion wheeleri

Desert Spoon

Chilopsis linearis Native Plant

Desert Willow

Rosa 'Don Juan'

Don Juan Climbing Rose

Sedum morganianum

Donkey Tail, Burro Tail

Coreopsis grandiflora 'Double Sunburst'

Double Sunburst Coreopsis

Iris douglasiana Native Plant

Douglas Iris

Arctostaphylos 'Greensphere' Native Plant

Dr. Hurd Manzanita

Nepeta X faassenii 'Dropmore'

Dropmore Catmint

Dudleya brittonii


Centaurea cineraria

Dusty Miller

Senecio cineraria

Dusty Miller, Silver Groundsel

Agapanthus 'Peter Pan'

Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile

Prunus caroliniana 'Compacta'

Dwarf Carolina Laurel Cherry

Nandina domestica 'Nana'

Dwarf Compact Heavenly Bamboo

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