Salvia 'Hot Lips'
Hot Lips Sage
Hot Lips Littleleaf Sage (Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips') is a long-blooming Sage that blooms all summer with eye-catching red and white bicolor flowers. The nectar-rich flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Hot Lips Littleleaf Sage (Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips') has distinctive, brilliantly colored flowers that make 'Hot Lips' Salvia a special selection. Blooming from spring until hard frost in fall, the flower color will vary seasonally. In the cooler times of spring and fall, the flowers are strongly bi-colored red and white. When it's hot, the flowers go solid red. Regardless of the time of the growing season, this ever-blooming selection is a beauty. The plant makes a small shrub with age and thrives in poor soils with plenty of heat and sun. Plant with Lavender (Lavandula) and white Appleblossom Grass (Gaura). Javelina resistant