Chionanthus retusus
Chinese Fringe Tree
This small tree will slowly grow 15'-20' high and 20'-25' wide. It has deciduous, green, glossy leaves. During spring, clusters of fringe-like, white, fragrant flowers cover the tree, making a spectacular sight with the green leaves behind the flowers. After bloom period, olive-like fruit appear, maturing to blue/black in fall. Birds and critters love the fruit. Bark is gray/brown and exfoliates with age; it is attractive especially during winter. This tree tolerates full to part sun but will bloom more in full sun. It prefers well draining, moist, fertile, acidic soil. It is not a drought tolerant tree so it needs regular watering and more during hot spells.
Full, Half
Medium, Extra in Summer
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Soil Condition
Rich, Well-drained, Moist
Soil pH
Adverse Factors
Water-wise plants can be beautiful as well as practical.
Take your 'My List' Hydrozone Report to a landscape designer, or local nursery, when selecting and purchasing plants.