Dasylirion longissimum
Mexican Grass Tree
Mexican Grass Tree requires little maintenance and is popular in desert-themed gardens. Plants tolerate drought, reflected heat and poor soils. It slowly develops a short, thick trunk while reaching 6' tall and wide. Leaves are very narrow and long making it more hair-like than the other Dasylirions. They are 3' long, and gray-green with thorns on the tips. During late spring to summer, an erect stem of white creamy flowers emerge from the center, up to 10' high. This long-lived plant needs well draining soil. Do not plant near walkways.
Full, Half
Very Low
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular
Soil Condition
Average, Poor, Well-drained
Soil pH
Neutral, Basic
Adverse Factors
Apply as little fertilizer as possible.
If you use fertilizer make sure it stays on the landscape, and carefully water it in so there is NO runoff.