Acapulco Night Daylily
Aeonium Succulents
African Fern Pine
African Mallow, Cape Mallow
Afterglow Echeveria
All That Jazz Bearded Iris
Aloe Vera or Medicinal Aloe
Alphonse Karr Bamboo
Alpine Rockcress
Amethyst Mist Coral Bells
Angel's Trumpet, Datura
Angelina Stonecrop
Ann Folkard Cranesbill
Annual Cosmos
Annual Strawflower, Everlasting
Annual Sweet Pea
Apple Blossom Manuka Tea Tree
Artichoke Agave
Ascot Rainbow Spurge
Aspdistra, Cast-Iron Plant
Atlas Cedar
Australian Bluebell Creeper
Australian Fuchsia
Australian Tree Fern
Autumn Gold Ginkgo Tree
Baby Blue Eyes
Balloon Flower
Bamboo Muhly
Bear's Breech, Acanthus
Beard Tongue
Bearded Iris
Berkeley Sedge
Bird Of Paradise
Bitsy Hybrid Daylily
Bitter Aloe
Black Bamboo
Black Bird Euphorbia
Black-Eyed Stella Hybrid Daylily
Blackfoot Daisy
Blue Atlas Cedar
Blue Dracaena
Blue Fescue, Blue Fescuegrass
Blue Glow Agave
Blue Haze Spurge
Blue Moor Grass
Blue Mountain Lilac
Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Blue-Eyed Grass
Bougainvillea, Barbara Karst
Bougainvillea, California Gold
Bougainvillea, La Jolla
Bougainvillea, Lavender Queen
Bougainvillea, Rosenka
Boule Rosemary
Bower Vine
Bowles Mauve Wallflower
Burford Holly
Burnished Bronze Coral Bells
Bush Gold Kangaroo Paw
Bush Morning Glory
Bush or Dome Euphorbia
Bush Pearl Kangaroo Paws
Bush Tango Kangaroo Paws
Butter and Sugar Iris
Butterfly Iris
Butterfly-Iris, Fortnight Lily
Calendula, Pot Marigold
California Buckeye
California Gray Rush
California Poppy, Golden Poppy
Calla Lily
Calliopsis, Annual Coreopsis
Canary Island Lotus or Parrot's bea
Candelabrum Agave, Spider Agave
Canyon Prince Wild Rye
Cape Marguerite, Cape Daisy
Carnation, Clove Pink, Pinks
Carpet of Stars
Cat's Claw, Yellow Trumpet Vine
Cedros Island Verbena cv.
Century Plant, Maguey
Chanticleer Columnar Callery Pear
Chinese Forget-me-not
Chinese Wisteria
Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells
Christine Pink Lantana
Cliff Agave
Commom Aubrieta
Compact Gold Coin
Compact Myrtle
Coral Pink Kangaroo Paw
Cornflower, Bachelor's Button
Creeping Baby's Breath
Creeping Fig
Crown Of Thorns
Curly Top Sedge
Dahlia (assorted)
Dalmation Bellflower
Dark Dynasty Butterfly Bush
Dark Leaf Aeonium
Daylily (hybrid selection)
Daylily, D. Moon Hybrid
Dead Nettle
Delicate Treasure Daylily
Delta Fusion Crapemyrtle
Desert Spoon
Donkey Tail, Burro Tail
Double Sunburst Coreopsis
Dusty Miller, Silver Groundsel
Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Eared Coreopsis
Dwarf Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Morning Glory
Dwarf Mugo Pine
Dwarf Orange Bulbine
Dwarf Pomegranate
Early Sunrise Coreopsis/Tickseed
Eaton Canyon Dwarf Fountain Grass
Elephant's Food, Elephant Bush
Elija Blue Fescue
Endress' Cranesbill
English Ivy
Esparto Grass
Everett's California Fuchsia
Evergreen Candytuft
Evergreen Miscanthus
Fan Aloe
Fence Aloe
Fern Asparagus
Ferned-Leaved Tickseed
Fiber Thread Agave, Thread-leaf Aga
Fire Glow Hot Poker
Firebird Border Penstemon (red)
Firecracker Bush
Firewagon Lantana
Five-Spot Nemophila
Florists Chrysanthemum
Florists' Cyclamen
Flowering Maple
Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave
Frankly Scarlet Hybrid Daylily
Freesia, Improved
Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris
Frosty Curls Sedge
Furman's Red Texas Sage
Gaiety Girl New Zealand Tea Tree
Garden Nasturtium
Garden or Common Sage
Garden Stock
Gerbera,Transvaal Daisy
Germander Sage
Ghost Aloe
Giant Chain Fern
Giant Red Aeonium
Giant Timber Bamboo
Gingerbread Man Hybrid Daylily
Globe Thistle
Gloriosa Daisy
Gloriosa Yucca, Spanish Dagger
Gold Mound Lantana
Gold Tooth Aloe
Golden Bamboo, Fish Pole Bamboo
Golden Barrel Cactus
Golden Breath Of Heaven
Golden Oregano
Golden Spirit Smoke Tree
Golden Variegated Hakonechloa
Golden Variegated Sedge
Goodwin Creek Gray Lavender
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Grace Smoke Bush
Grand Cascade Butterfly Bush
Grass-leaf Hakea
Great Bellflower
Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender
Guadalupe Palm
Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo
Hamelin Dwarf Fountain Grass
Hardy Aloe
Heartleaf Bergenia
Heavenly Bamboo Dwarf Compact
Helene Strybing Manuka Tea Tree
Heliotrope Black Beauty
Hen and Chicks
Holly Grape
Homestead Purple Verbena
Honey Bush
Honeywort, Shrimp Plant
Horsetail Restio
Hot Lips Sage
Huachuca Agave, Orange Century Plan
Huntington Carpet Rosemary
Hybrid Halimiocistus
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Iceland Poppy
Improved Meyer Lemon
Inca Lily.Parrot Lily
Incana Cranesbill
Irene Lantana
Iris 'Canyon Snow'
Ivy Geranium
Jack Spratt New Zealand Flax
Jade Plant
Japanese Anemone
Japanese Aucuba
Japanese Black Pine
Japanese Boxwood
Japanese Fatsia or Aralia
Japanese Maple
Joe Hoak Agave
Joseph's Coat
Judith Hybrid Daylily
Kaffir Lily
Kaleidescope Pink Abelia
Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Kangaroo Paws
Kangaroo Paws Tall Red
Kangaroo Paws, Red
Kangeroo Paws Big Red
Kanooka Box, Water Gum
Karley Rose Oriental Fountain Grass
Ken Taylor Rosemary
King or Giant Protea
King Palm
Kiwi Aeonium
Kiwi Libertia
Kleinaalwyn (African)
Lamb's Ears
Lance Coreopsis
Large Spotted Aloe
Lavender Blizzard Ivy Geranium
Lavender Cascade Butterfly Bush
Lavender Lady English Lavender
Lavender Scallops
Lavender Starflower
Lemon Balm
Lemon Lime Nandina
Lemon Swirl Lantana
Lemon Verbena
Lilac Vine, Coral Pea
Lily of the Nile
Lion's Tail
Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass
Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia
Little Ollie Dwarf Olive
Little Rev Dianella
Long John Grevillea
Long- Leafed Yellowwood
Lucifer Crocosmia
Magenta Magic Spanish Bayonet
Malva Rose, Island Tree Mallow
Manna Gum
Marguerite Daisy
Marguerite Yellow Assorted Varietie
Marina Stonecrop
Martha Washington Geranium
Medio-Picta Century Plant
Mediterranean Fan palm
Meerlo Lavender
Meeting Daffodil
Mexican Evening Primrose
Mexican Fan Palm
Mexican Gold Poppy
Mexican Grass Tree
Mexican Tulip Poppy
Miniature Marguerite
Miniature Sedge
Miss Lemonâ„¢ Abelia
Mission or Tree Cactus, Indian Fig
Mondo Grass, Lily Grass
Moonbeam Threadleaf Coreopsis
Moonshine Yarrow
Morning Light Australian Rosemary
Morning Light Silver Grass
Mother Fern
Mother-of-Thyme, Creeping Thyme
Mountain Aloe
Mountain Flax Cream Delight
Mt. Elgon Aloe
Mueller's Fescue
Mullein Pink, Rose Campion
Munstead Dwarf Lavender
Murphy's Agave
Muskogee Crape Myrtle
Myer's Asparagus
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo
Natchez Crape Myrtle
New Gold Trailing Lantana
New Zealand Flax
New Zealand Flax, Wings of Gold
Noell's Grevillea
Norfolk Island Pine
Nova Agave
Octopus Agave
Opal Alum Root Hybrid
Orange Ice Plant
Orange Sedge
Orchid Annie Butterfly Bush
Oregon Grape
Ornamental Onion
Our Lord's Candle
Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris
Papyrus, Egyptian Paper Reed
Parrasana Agave
Parry's Agave
Parry's Penstemon
Passion Fruit
Patriot Red Geranium
Pindo or Jelly Palm, Yatay
Pineapple Guava, Feijoa
Pink Abelia
Pink Blizzard Geranium
Pink Breath Of Heaven
Pink Champagne Marguerite
Pink Gaura
Pink Jasmine
Pink Knotweed
Pink Mexican Evening Primrose
Pink Snowball Geranium
Platinum Beauty Lomandra
Pork And Beans
Port Orford Cedar
Pride Of Madeira
Prostrate Rosemary
Provence Lavender
Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme
Purple Coneflower
Purple Fountain Grass
Purple Iceplant
Purple Japanese Maple
Quadricolor Century Plant
Radiation Orange Lantana
Rainbow Fescue
Rainbow Warrior New Zealand Flax
Red Apple Ice Plant, Aptenia
Red Cross Kangaroo Paws
Red Mexican Lobelia
Red Star Autumn Sage
Red Star Cordyline
Red Wing Mangave
Reed Grass
Ribbonleaf Purple Japanese Maple
Rocky Point Ice Plant
Roger's Red Wild Grape
Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea
Rosea Ice Plant
Rosyjane Gaura
Royal Beard Tongue
Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree
Rubrum New Zealand Flax
Ruby Glow Manuka Tea Tree
Ruby Grass
San Miguel Island Buckwheat
Sandankwa Viburnum
Sandhill Sage, Coast Sagebrush
Sansanqua or Sun Camellia
Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells
Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
Sea Lavender, Statice
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Seaside Daisy, Beach Fleabane
Semi-Trailing Yellow Gazania
Semi-trailing Yellow Gazania
Shrimp Pink Aloe
Shrimp Plant
Shrub Rose
Silk & Heavy Hybrid Daylily
Silver Dollar Tree
Silver Jade Plant
Silver Mound Artemisia
Sineless Caper Bush
Small Cape Rush
Smooth Agave
Snow Cap Sedge
Snow White Manuka Tea Tree
Soap Aloe, African Aloe
Soaptree Yucca
South Western Coral Bells
Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
Southern Sword Fern
Spanish Iris
Spanish Lavender
Spear Lily
Species Rose
Spineless Yucca
Sprenger Asparagus
Stalked Aeonium
Star Jasmine
Star Magnolia
Strawberry Tree
String of Pearls
Striped Society Garlic
Sulfur Cosmos
Sulfur Flower
Summer Lobelia
Sun Gold Trailing Gazania
Sun Rose
Sunfire Coreopsis
Sunset Jade
Sunshine Ligustrum
Superba Fescue
Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Olive, Tea Olive
Sweet Orange cultivars
Sweet-Pea Shrub
Tequila Sunrise Kangaroo Paw
Tequila Sunrise Sage
Tiny Towers Italian Cypress
Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax
Torch Aloe
Torch Plant
Totally Tangerine Geum
Trailing Gazania, Treasure Flower
Trailing Lantana
Tree Aloe
Tricolor Mountain Flax
Tropical Hibiscus, Rose of China
Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary
Tuscarora Crape Myrtle
Tuttle Dwarf Natal Plum
Twin Flowered Agave
Twisted Jasmine
Ultra Violet Hybrid Sage
Variegated Century Plant
Variegated Tobira
Veitch Jasmine
Vinca Rosea, Madagascar Periwinkle
Walker's Low Catmint
Waxleaf Privet
Weber's Blue Tequila Agave
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Wendy Alum Root
Whale's Tongue Agave
Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum
White California Poppy
White Nancy Dead Nettle
Wilhelm Langguth Geranium
Wisley Pink Sun Rose
Yellow Bahia
Yellow Bird Of Paradise
Yellow bulbine
Yellow Dead Nettle
Yellow Eyed Grass
Yellow Geum
Yellow Moraea, Fortnight Lily
Yew Pine
Zebra Iris, Orris Perfume Iris